Theory about the final episode of Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo


Theory about the final episode of Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo 

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo was based on a chinese drama and it was released in South Korea in 2016 by SBS and, as you already know, we have a lot of  reviews about this drama and some of them are really unfair, especially, because of the final episode. 

After finish the k-drama, a lot of people must be dehydrated after so much crying, of course that some points could be explored more… Because of all the emotional problems that characters go through, sometimes we forget how Hae Soo (IU) came to that time and why, but we need to deal with what we have and that's why we're going to explore one theory about the polemic finale.

Everything starts when Hae Soo (IU) has already passed away, and the king’s astronomer, Choi Ji Mong (Kim Sung Kyun) are leaving the palace saying to Wang So (Lee Joon Gi) that “there’s no coincidence, things only return to their original place” and remembered him that she really isn't from that world/time. Out of the blue, we are present into this scene: showing Wang So in the middle of a solar eclipse riding the world searching a way to find Hae Soo (It was clearly that he was looking for a way to find her, this is explain at the final scene). 

After that we are shown the beginning scene of Hae Soo drowning, also when a solar eclipse was happening… After those captions and that lines of Choi Ji Mong we can feel some kind of magic around the story, a magic that was lost during the k-drama, but that it was present to us since the first episode whe Go Ha Jin (IU) was teleported to Goreyo era. 

Suddenly, we are back into 2016 and now Go Ha Jin (IU) is suffering with nightmares about the life she lived as Hae Soo (she doesn't know about that yet) while she was in coma due the drowning. She was trying to live a normal life, and while she’s working at a makeup store the king’s astronomer, Choi Ji Mong, also the drunk guy from the beginning of first episode appears and start a conversation with her about makeup and Goryeo era, she suddenly gets flash's memories about the past and gets really sick. 

While going home she pass by an exhibition about Goryeo with beautiful paintings and portraits, that cleary was made by Baek-ah (Nam Joo Hyuk), 13th prince, when entering into the exhibition room she notice a portrait of Wang So and remember that, in fact, she lived that life, it wasn’t only a dream, without warning we are back into Goryeo with So saying that he will find her no matter what, and suddenly we are all with a broken heart and, at the same time, full of hope, because, if she could go back in time, he could come to future, as cleary he did riding after her. 

Any lover of “Moon Lovers” can certainly appreciate the amazing emotional roller coaster that’s full of history, romance, and family drama all together, this is a k-drama which you don’t have a time to give your heart a break and at each single moment anything can happen leaving us without any preparation for what happens next, so if you want a classic k-drama with many aspects that are going to surprise you... this is the one for you and remember that the better part is that you will probably have your own interpretation of the story, specially about the finale, so if you didn't watch yet, you should give it a try. 


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